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July 2, 2024

Biblical Connections: Ezekiel's Rejection, Jesus' Triumph

Biblical Connections: Ezekiel's Rejection, Jesus' Triumph

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Discover how the prophetic messages of Ezekiel and the miracles of Jesus can deepen your faith and transform your life. 

Julie South unpacks the connections between the Book of Ezekiel, 2 Corinthians, and the Gospel of Mark for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Why Listen?

1. Embrace the Challenge of Speaking God's Truth:

  • Message: Ezekiel’s mission to deliver God's message to a rebellious people highlights the importance of sharing God's truth, even when it's difficult.
  • Relevancy Today: Learn how to confidently speak about your faith in today's world, even when others are unreceptive, and discover the potential impact you can make in someone's heart.

2. Find Strength in Weakness:

  • Message: Paul's letter to the Corinthians teaches us to embrace our weaknesses and rely on God's strength.
  • Relevancy Today: Understand how to accept your imperfections and trust in God’s strength in everyday life, with insights on finding and drawing upon that strength when you need it most.

3. Stay Humble and Persistent in Faith:

  • Message: Jesus’ rejection in Nazareth reminds us to stay humble and persistent in our faith, despite opposition.
  • Relevancy Today: Gain practical insights on continuing your good work and sharing your faith, even in the face of doubt or rejection, and why persistence is key to spiritual growth.

Episode Highlights:

  • Typology Explained: Discover the fascinating concept of typology as Julie breaks down how the Old Testament reading from Ezekiel foreshadows and sets the stage for the Gospel of Mark. Learn how the themes of prophetic rejection and perseverance connect these scriptures and illuminate God's plan across the Testaments.
  • Prayer and Reflection: Engage in guided prayer and reflection on how these readings speak to you personally, helping to prepare your heart for Sunday Mass.
  • Practical Applications: Discover concrete steps to live out the messages from the readings, enhancing your spiritual journey.

Whether you are new to Catholicism or a lifelong believer, this episode is designed to bring God’s word to life in your heart.

Join Julie South and the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand, as we journey together from prophecy to miracles, unlocking a deeper, more vibrant faith.

Tune in now on Your Catholic Corner and prepare your heart for Sunday Mass. Share this episode with friends and family who might benefit from these powerful reflections.

Listen now and let’s unlock faith together!

Peace be with you. God bless.

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Julie South [00:00:04]:
Peace be with you. Welcome to your catholic corner. I'm your host, Julie south, and I'm so glad you're joining me right now as we delve into the word of God and its relevance in our lives. Today, your catholic corner is here to help Catholics spiritually prepare for each Sunday's mass starting mid week. Each week you can listen and subscribe to your catholic corner@yourcatholiccorner.com. in today's episode, we'll be focusing on the readings for the 14th Sunday in ordinary time in year B, that is Catholic speak, for the first Sunday in July, 2024. Here's what we'll be covering. We'll start by exploring the passages from the Book of Ezekiel, Paul's second letter to the Corinthians in the Gospel of Mark.

Julie South [00:01:01]:
Our main focus will be on exploring the typological connection between the Old Testament reading from Ezekiel and the Gospel passage to help you understand why the Catholic Church chose these specific texts for this specific Sunday. If you're not familiar with the term typology, don't worry, we're going to cover what that means and how it relates to these readings as well. Going to pray together and reflect on what God might be saying to each of us personally through these readings. Remember that whenever we gather in Jesus name, like we are right here, right now with you and me, he is here with us. So let's dive in. The readings for this coming Sunday are Ezekiel, chapter two, verses two to five Paul's second letter to the corinthians, chapter twelve, verses seven through ten and Mark's Gospel, chapter six, verses one through six.

Julie South [00:02:06]:
But before that, a quick word about your catholic corner, just in case this is your first time here, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, whether you've only just heard of that man called Jesus, you're new to Catholicism or you're a cradle Catholic. My prayer is that your catholic corner will help bring God's word to life in your heart through insights, reflections, and practical applications that help deepen your relationship with God. Every Thursday, we'll start preparing for mass by uncovering the richness hidden in each Sunday's Bible readings, from Old Testament prophecies to gospel parables. I invite you to join me and the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand, sponsors of your catholic corner so that together we can hear God's word and echo. Samuel, speak, Lord, your servant is listening. Now let's get back to today's show.

Julie South [00:03:17]:
Let's take a look at a closer look at the typological link between the Old Testament reading from Ezekiel and the gospel passage from Mark, and why the Catholic Church paired these two together for the 14th Sunday in ordinary time in year B. If typology is a new word for you, it refers to the idea that certain people, events or things in the Old Testament serve as types. And I'm air quoting. Types serve as types or foreshadowing of someone or something in the New Testament. Think of it as a bit like God dropping hints or leaving clues in the earlier scriptures in the Old Testament that point to the fulfilment we find in Jesus and in Christ in the New Testament. The typological connection between Ezekiel, chapter two, verses two through five, and Mark's gospel to six one six lies in the themes of prophetic rejection and the challenge of delivering God's message to an unreceptive audience. Now, I'm not sure if you're like me, but I'm sure you've had times when you want to talk about God, you want to evangelize God and Jesus, and the person you're talking with is absolutely not interested. They are totally unreceptive.

Julie South [00:04:58]:
Well, that's what we've got going on today with these two readings. In Ezekiel, God sends the prophet Ezekiel to the people of Israel, who are described as rebellious and stubborn. And he warns God warns Ezekiel that the people may not listen to him, but Ezekiel must deliver God's message regardless of their response. Imagine how he'd feel. I kind of know how I would feel because I've been there, not with the people of Israel, but with unresponsive, rebellious people who just don't want to listen to me about God. And then in Mark's gospel, we have Jesus returning to his hometown of Nazareth, where he's teaching in the synagogue. Despite Jesus's wisdom, despite Jesus's miracles, the people of Nazareth doubt and reject him. They question his authority and his origins.

Julie South [00:05:57]:
Jesus marvels at their unbelief and remarks, and he says that a prophet is without honour in his own country. So what we've got, the connection we have, the typological connection we have going on is both passages are highlighting the theme of a prophet or a messenger of God facing rejection from their own people. Ezekiel and Jesus are both tasked with delivering God's message to a sceptical and a very resistant audience. Despite the anticipated rejection, both are still expected to fulfil and honour their roles and convey the message that they've been given. In essence, in short, these passages are about the challenge and the perseverance needed to share and evangelize God's message with people who don't want to listen. This highlights a common biblical theme of prophets facing resistance from and in their own communities. Now let's pray together. As we reflect on these readings and as we do, let's be encouraged to trust in God's power, in what he's asking us to do and what it means to have faith in Jesus, especially during those storms and challenges we face in our own lives, when we think no one's listening, when nobody wants to listen to what we're saying.

Julie South [00:07:50]:
Let's pray together. A reading from the prophet Ezekiel. As the Lord spoke to me, the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet. And I heard the one who was speaking say to me, son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites rebels who have rebelled against me. They and their ancestors have revolted against me to this very day. Hard of face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you. But you shall say to them, thus says the Lord God. And whether they heed or resist, for they a rebellious house, they shall know that a prophet has been among them.

Julie South [00:08:54]:
The word of the Lord. A reading from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians. Brothers and sisters, that I, Paul, might not become too elated because of the abundance of the revelations. A thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me. But he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and constraints for the sake of Christ.

Julie South [00:10:01]:
For when I am weak, then I am strong. The word of the Lord. A reading from the gospel of mark. Jesus departed from there and came to his native place accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands? Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they took offence at him. Jesus said to them, a prophet is not without honour except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house. So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there.

Julie South [00:11:17]:
Apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them, he was amazed at their lack of faith. The gospel of the Lord so what was God saying to you through these men? Keep in mind that God speaks to each of us in different ways. So what resonates with me, what sings to me, what nudges me, might be different to what touches or nudges you from these Bible passages, here are some easy to apply takeaways that I picked up for living today. My nudges. The first one is speak the truth about God, even when it's hard, even when no one's listening, even when no one wants to listen, because God is listening. Sometimes we just never know what seed we might be planting in someone's heart. When I think about myself and my own life, when I think about all the times way back in the past when I was living in the dark, when someone tried to talk with me about God and I was absolutely not interested. And here I am evangelizing in a podcast to the world who wants to listen? So it doesn't matter, speak the truth about God even when no one's listening.

Julie South [00:13:13]:
And then from Paul with his letter to the corinthians, it's about embracing our weaknesses, my weakness, and relying on God's strength to accept that I'm not perfect, to accept that even when I feel like I am not strong enough, good enough, that God can use me to make a difference and not to be afraid to ask for help when I need it. And then from Mark's gospel is to stay humble and persistent despite rejection, to keep doing the good work that I'm doing. To keep talking on this podcast, even when I'm not even sure whether anybody's listening, even if I doubt myself, even if and when others reject what I'm doing. Not to let this discouragement get in the way of me spreading God's word. So that's my takeaways, my nudges. What about you? I would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with me@yourcatholiccorner.com. there's a form, a contact form on that website where you can send me a message.

Julie South [00:14:39]:
So please do. I promise I will respond. I'd love to know how you find this podcast. I'd love to know how you find my reflections and if any of them ignite or perhaps connect with you. And maybe if you feel like it, tell me what, perhaps share with me what God is saying to you through these passages. Thank you. I hope you found today interesting and helpful in your spiritual journey. My prayer is that this podcast will deepen your understanding of God's word and the beautiful thing that is the catholic church and the catholic faith, even if it's just a teeny, tiny, incy wincy, dinky little bit.

Julie South [00:15:43]:
Thank you for spending the last 15 minutes or so of your life with God and me. If you enjoyed the show, I would be ever so grateful if you could please help evangelize and spread the word about your catholic corner and God. Share it with a couple of your friends, maybe even share it with your catholic priest so that he can share it. It's easy, just ask them to visit your catholic corner.com. everything is there wherever you are on your journey. I pray that God's love will fill your heart to overflowing and that when the time is right, you will embrace his invitation to join him at the table of the eucharist in your local catholic church parish. And finally, a big shout out to the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand for their support in making this podcast possible. This is Julie south signing off until next week.

Julie South [00:16:52]:
Peace be with you. God bless.