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Aug. 28, 2024

Heart Over Ritual: Discovering True Purity in Deuteronomy and Mark

Heart Over Ritual: Discovering True Purity in Deuteronomy and Mark

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How can ancient scriptures provide practical guidance for our lives today?

Invest just 20 minutes of your life and join Julie South on "Your Catholic Corner" and explore the Catholic Bible passages on Sunday 1st September 2024.  

This episode offers:

  1. An introduction to typology: Learn how Old Testament passages connect to New Testament themes, enhancing your understanding of biblical continuity.
  2. Analysis of Deuteronomy and Mark: Discover why these specific readings are paired for this Sunday, revealing important spiritual lessons.
  3. Exploration of key metaphors: Understand concepts like the "yoke of the law" and "defilement from within," and how they apply to modern life.
  4. Jesus' teachings on true purity: Examine the contrast between external rituals and internal righteousness.
  5. Practical application: Find ways to move from simply hearing God's word to actively living it out.
  6. Guided reflection: Use these insights to prepare meaningfully for Sunday's Mass.

This episode is designed for both experienced Catholics and those new to the faith. It provides clear, accessible analysis of the scriptures and their relevance to our daily lives. 

Join listeners from 34 countries as we deepen our understanding of God's word and its application in our world today.

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our Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.

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Julie South [00:00:04]:
Peace be with you. Welcome to your catholic corner. I'm your host, Julie south, and I am so very pleased that you're able to join me today as we look into the word of God and his relevance to our lives. Today, your catholic corner is here to help Catholics spiritually prepare for each Sunday's upcoming mass starting mid week. Each week you can listen@yourcatholiccorner.com your catholic corner is listened to in 34 different countries, over 160 cities around the world. So wherever you are in that mix, I would love please for you to say hi to me in New Zealand, and you can do that by going to yourcatholiccorner.com. let me know where you are and what you most enjoy about the show. Thank you so much for doing that.

Julie South [00:01:01]:
I promise to reply and to say hi back now. Today as we head into spring here in the southern hemisphere. Today we're going to be focusing on the readings for the 22nd Sunday in ordinary time in year B. We are going to be looking at the book of Deuteronomy, the Book of James, and the Gospel of Mark. Our main focus will be exploring the typological connection between the Old Testament reading from deuteronomy and the gospel passage of Mark to help you and me understand why the Catholic Church chose these specific texts for this specific Sunday. And don't worry if you're not familiar with the term typology, I'll talk about how that relates and affects us in a bit. We are also going to look at a couple of metaphors just to help us get a bit bit more of an understanding about what we're reading in the Bible today. Our readings and our prayers shine a light on the importance of sticking to what God says rather than just following human traditions or rules.

Julie South [00:02:19]:
And please remember that whenever we gather in Jesus name, like we are right here, right now with you and me, he is right with us because we are together in his name. The readings for this upcoming Sunday are first reading is from the book of Deuteronomy, chapter four, verses one and two, six, seven and eight. Second reading from the Book of James, chapter 117 and 18, and then 21, 22, 27 and Mark's Gospel, chapter seven, one through eight, verses 15 and 16, and then 21 through 23.

Julie South [00:03:00]:
But before that, a quick word about your catholic corner, just in case this is your first time here, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, whether you've only just heard of that man called Jesus, you're new to Catholicism or you're a cradle catholic, my prayer is that your catholic corner will help bring God's word to life in your heart through insights, reflections and practical applications that help deepen your relationship with God. Every Thursday we'll start preparing for mass by uncovering the richness hidden in each Sunday's Bible readings, from Old Testament prophecies to gospel parables. I invite you to join me and the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand, sponsors of your catholic corner so that together we can hear God's word and echo. Samuel, speak, Lord, your servant is listening. Now let's get back to today's show.

Julie South [00:04:12]:
Typology. That's the term that refers to the concept that certain elements in the Old Testament serve as types or foreshadowing of someone or something or an event. In the New Testament, it's a bit like God leaving clues for us in the earliest scriptures that point to their fulfillment that we find in Christ. And in the New Testament today, what we are going to look at is why has the Catholic Church chosen the passage of deuteronomy and then matched it with Mark's gospel on this, the 22nd Sunday in ordinary time? So let's have a look with deuteronomy. This is the part of the Bible where it's all about Moses telling the Israelites to follow God's laws exactly as they are. And he says that doing this will make them wise and show them that God is close to them. Then in Mark we have Jesus, the mark that we're looking at today. We have Jesus talking to some of the religious leaders of the time, of his time and criticising them for caring more about their own rules than about God's rules.

Julie South [00:05:36]:
Jesus tells them that what really matters has what's in their hearts. It's not just about following the rituals. So what we've got going on with both of those, the connection is that both parts are emphasising the importance, the critical, the criticalness, the importance of following God's rules rather than man made human ones. They warn, or we are being warned, against letting human traditions become more important than God's actual commands and God's instructions. They both highlight that true godness and purity come from within a person. Jesus often says that he knows it's what we're thinking or what the people at the time were thinking rather than what they're saying. So it's about what is going on within, not just the external actions that we do and that these people were doing at that time. Now, following God's rules is shown as a way for us.

Julie South [00:06:44]:
It is a way for us to have a close relationship with Goddesse. In simple terms, both of these passages are teaching us that God's rules are the most important and true goodness comes from following them absolutely sincerely from the bottom of our hearts. That was the typology, the connection between the Old Testament reading and the first reading and the Gospel reading. Now let's help us understand a bit further at today's Bible passages or this coming Sunday's Bible passages. Let's have a look at the metaphors that are happening in each of the three readings. In deuteronomy, we have the metaphor of yoke of the law. This suggests that following God's commandments is a bit like wearing a yoke. A yoke is used to guide horses, to guide animals that are pulling, that are pulling something.

Julie South [00:07:59]:
The yoke guides a cart behind it. What we have here is that it implies discipline, commitment and direction for us. It could mean that adhering to moral and ethical guidelines, well, it does mean this is will lead us to a more structured and a more meaningful life then we have still in deuteronomy, we have the metaphor of wisdom and understanding. The laws back then are described as wisdom and understanding in the sight of other nations. This metaphor suggests that by living these laws, it's not just about obedience, but it's about total embodiment as a way of life that reflects absolute divine wisdom today. It implies that our actions and our adherence to being ethical and to ethical principles can serve as a testament, as a signpost to our values and our ability to influence others positively. In the second reading from the Book of James, the metaphor we have there is doers of the word. This emphasises the importance of action over just merely listening.

Julie South [00:09:24]:
It suggests that faith should be an active and a visible thing and experience in everything that we do. It's encouraging us to live out our beliefs by tangible actions, not just words. So I guess it's a bit like if somebody, if I was charged with being a Christian today, could I be found guilty because my actions speak louder than my words? Another metaphor that we have going on with James is that of pure religion. This refers to the caring for orphans and widows. It symbolizes absolute, 100% compassion and selflessness today. It reminds us that true spirituality involves helping those in need. Remember that orphans and widows were on the outside of society back then. So it's asking us, reminding us.

Julie South [00:10:24]:
This pure religion metaphor is the nudge for us to help others in need. We also have first fruits. Believers are described as a kind of first fruit of God's creatures. This metaphor implies being the best and the most dedicated part of creation. It sets things apart for a special purpose for us today. It's suggesting that we're called to live exemplary lives that reflect our highest potential and our purpose. When it comes to wine, the first fruit, the first harvest is always the best. So are we first fruits.

Julie South [00:11:14]:
God believes we are. Do we believe we are? Do we act like we are? And then we have the metaphor of implanted word. The word of God is described as being implanted in believers which can save their souls. It suggests a deep and intrinsic and absolute internal connection to divine truth that grows and bears fruits within each of us, within you, within me. That encourages us to nurture, to protect, and to allow to prosper this inner truth and to let it guide our actions. And then in the gospel reading, we've got a number of metaphors happening here. We've got clean and unclean. Jesus uses this metaphor to challenge the ideas that external rituals can purify a person.

Julie South [00:12:07]:
He is emphasizing instead that it's not about the external washing that we do, but true purity comes from within, from our thoughts, our hearts and our intentions. So that's reminding us to focus on our values and our integrity rather than just looking good. We've got the metaphor of heart that's the source of our true character and our intentions. Again, it comes back to our inner morality. We have also the traditions of men, where Jesus is contrasting God's commandments with human traditions. In using this metaphor, it highlights how human made, our man made rules can overshadow God's divine intentions. And it suggests that we should be wary of letting cultural or societal norms dictate to us our values over genuine spiritual truths. And then finally, we've got the metaphor of defilement from within, the idea that what comes from within, so our thoughts and what's in our heart? Do we have love or do we have hatred? In our heart, it defines our inner moral and ethical state.

Julie South [00:13:29]:
And that is far more important than the external actions that we can pretend and put forward. It challenges us to look at our inner thoughts, our motivations, and to recognize that true integrity comes from within. Whoa. Pretty heavy metaphors, but they help us understand. I believe they help me. When I look at the Bible readings like this, it helps me understand just that little bit more and a little bit better. I hope it works that way for you as well. With all of that as the backdrop, let's now pray together on today's readings.

Julie South [00:14:26]:
May we be inspired by God's call to each of us to you, to me. That we are strengthened by his blessings. We're encouraged to share his message of love and healing with others. So our first reading is from the book of deuteronomy. Moses said to the people, now, Israel, take notice of the laws and customs that I teach you today. And observe them. That you may have life and may enter and take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you. You must add nothing to what I command you and take nothing from it.

Julie South [00:15:07]:
But keep the commandments of the Lord your God, just as I lay them down for you. Keep them, observe them. And they will demonstrate to the peoples. Your wisdom and understanding. When they come to know all of these laws, they will exclaim, no other people is as wise and prudent as this great nation. And indeed, what great nation is there that has its God so near as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call to him? And what great nation is there that has laws and customs to match this whole law. That I put before you today? The word of the Lord? A reading from James. It is all that is good, everything that is perfect, which is given us from above.

Julie South [00:16:15]:
It comes down from the father of all light. With him, there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow of a change. By his own choice, he made us his children. By the message of truth. So that we should be a sort of firstfruits of all that he has created. Accept and submit to the word which has been planted in you. And can save your souls. But you must do what the word tells you.

Julie South [00:16:46]:
Not just listen to it and deceive yourselves. Pure, unspoilt religion in the eyes of our God. Our father is coming to the help of orphans and widows when they need it. And keeping oneself uncontaminated by the world. The word of the Lord. A reading from the gospel of mark. The Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem. Gathered around Jesus.

Julie South [00:17:34]:
And they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with unclean hands. That is, without washing them. For the Pharisees and the Jews in general. Follow the tradition of the elders. And never eat without washing their arms as far as their elbow. And on returning from the marketplace place, they never eat without first sprinkling themselves. There are also many other observances which have been handed down to them. Concerning the washing of cups and pots and bronze dishes.

Julie South [00:18:08]:
So these Pharisees and scribes asked him, why do your disciples not respect the tradition of the elders. But eat their food with unclean hands? It was of you hypocrites, that Isaiah so rightly prophesied in this passage of scripture. This people honours me with only lip service while their hearts are far from me. The worship they offer me is worthless. The doctrines they teach are only human regulations. You put aside the commandment of God to cling to human tradition. He called the people to him again and said, listen to me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that goes into a man from outside can make him unclean.

Julie South [00:19:00]:
It is the things that come out of a man that make him unclean. For it is from within, from men's hearts, that evil intentions emerge. Fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within and make a man unclean. The gospel of the Lord so what are you hearing God say to you through these passages? Remember that he speaks to each of us in different ways, so that what I'm hearing in my heart today might be different from how he touches your heart today. And it will be different maybe for me tomorrow and for you tomorrow. Let's have a look. First and foremost, I think it is about following God's commandments faithfully, that absolutely everything that we do must come from within, that it's in our heart.

Julie South [00:20:33]:
What's in our heart matters. So how do we change that? We can change that by doing more reading of God's word, by listening to more of what God wants us to listen to. The other thing is that we need to be doers of the word, not just hearers only, not just listeners only, to act on what we learn. So when we read something like we have today, when we've heard something like we have today, to think about how we can actually put that into practice in ways from within our heart, how can we be different within our heart then, coupled with that is about being as pure and as clean spiritually, internally, because it's what comes from inside that makes us clean on the outside. So how can we change? What thoughts can we change? Do we need to forgive people that we are still holding judgments and resentments and grudges against? That's what I heard God nudge me to do. What about you? What did you pick up from God in this? I sincerely hope that this episode today, what we've talked about today, helps you on your spiritual journey. My prayer is that this this podcast deepens your understanding of God's word and of everything that is beautiful about the catholic faith. Please share this show with your friends and family.

Julie South [00:22:17]:
It is one way that we can help grow the church today. Just ask your friends and family to visit your catholic corner.com. wherever you are in your journey and wherever you are in the world, I pray that God's love fills your heart and that you will join him at the Eucharist in your local parish. A big shout out talking of parishes, a big shout out to the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand for their continued support to get this show to air. Thank you. This is Julie south signing off until next week. Peace be with you, God blessed.